Certification exam Google Digital Garage- Fundamentals of Digital Marketing 1


1. What's the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online?

  • Planning a budget
  • Developing a plan
  • Optimizing a website
  • Defining a customer base

2. When planning your website, what is one of the key things you should consider?

  • The order your products will appear on the site
  • What you want your customers to do on the site
  • How customers will interact with the site
  • What your customers want to see on the site

3. Where does the domain name of a website primarily sit?

  • In the URL
  • In the coding of your header image
  • In your navigation menu
  • In your logo's hyperlink

4. When designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the"Think' stage represent in the "See, Think, Do, Care' framework?

  • The consideration phase, when customers start to research potential products to buy
  • The finance stage, where customers think about their budgets
  • The action stage the moment when customers commit and purchase your product
  • The sharing stage, when customers share images and feedback on your products

5. You notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this insight?

  • Shopping bags
  • Blog content
  • YouTube
  • Social media

6. What is the term we use to describe how search engines categorise each piece of content?

  • Listing
  • Crawling
  • Ranking
  • Indexing

7. Fill the blank: 'Search engines ___ the internet to discover content."

  • crawl
  • index
  • investigate
  • rank

8. When looking to optimise the performance of a website to improve its search engine ranking, using 'long tail keyword terms' in your SEO plan often allows you to…

  • Outrank lots of larger, more established companies
  • Find more opportunities
  • See more traffic than short tail keywords
  • Perform better on social media

9. A lot of factors can affect how well a website will rank on search engines. What role does metadata have in this process?

  • Helps your website stand out from the competition
  • Provides search engines with more consistent and clear information about what's on the website
  • Allows you to input lots of keywords so that you appear for all of them
  • Allows you to place sales promotion offers within the search results

10. When optimising a website for search, what impact do meta and title tags have on the search engine?

  • They are hidden messages that have no bearing on search engines
  • They are embedded messages that help the search engine determine what's on the page
  • They are the on-page content that appears on your homepage, telling search engines what you do
  • They are automatically generated and help websites rank within search engines

11. Which of the following will be achieved by including an offer in a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ad?

  • It will help the ad stand out and encourage people to click it
  • It can increase the quality score of your ad(cv)
  • It will guarantee the ad appears at the top of the search results
  • It will increase the amount of users across your entire website

12.When advertising using Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you only pay…

  • when your ad appears within the search results
  • when a conversion happens on your website
  • when someone stays on your website for more than 2 minutes
  • when your ad is clicked by someone

13. Fill the blank: When optimising SEM campaigns, negative keywords ____ your ads from appearing when people search for things that aren't relevant to your business.

  • prevent
  • increase the chance of
  • secure
  • decrease the chance of

14. When fine-tuning paid search ads, you change a broad-match keyword to a phrase-match keyword using which symbol?

  • Apostrophes
  • Quotation marks
  • Italics
  • Square brackets

15. Digital marketing isn't just about selling your products intemationally. It can be used to great effect for local businesses. What do we mean by 'local businesses'?

  • A business that is within a 5 km radius from the customer
  • A business that operates from a specific geographic location
  • A business that has existed within a community for more than 5 years
  • A business that only provides a service based product

16. Why is it important to reach customers on their mobiles when advertising locally?

  • Ads are smaller in mobile devices and therefore cheaper
  • People use their phones while they are on the go
  • People prefer to receive adverts on their mobile
  • Everyone has a mobile phone

17. There are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business?

  • Your content will be put in front of specific audiences
  • People on niche platforms are more likely to engage with you
  • Your content will be seen by a mix of different people, gaining more views and likes
  • It enhances your brand to be seen on more specific social media platforms

18. Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan?

  • Your audience's data
  • Your audience's interests
  • Your audience`s available income
  • Your audience's offline behaviour

19.Mobile apps are a great tool to engage with customers on the go. What is one of the major benefits of a mobile app over a website?

  • Apps are easy to access on the app store
  • Apps allow you to send push notifications
  • Apps generally work on more mobile devices
  • Apps allow you to collate more data on your customers

20. When looking to advertise your business to mobile users, social media advertising can be really effective because…

  • It allows you to target people based on their likes and interests
  • That allows you to charge people who have ad blockers enabled
  • It can be seen by people who aren't logged into their accounts
  • It doesn't cost too much to spread your ads far

21. Because online attention spans are shorter, a great hook or opening sentence is important to draw people in." What is this a best practice example of?

  • Understanding the user journey
  • Writing engaging online copy
  • Keeping the target audience in mind
  • Being consistent in your approach to copy

22. Which of the following factors can impact the open rate of your email campaigns?

  • Situation
  • The amount of Inks contained in the email
  • The subject line of the email
  • The opportunity for customers to opt-out
  • The number of images in your email

23. Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website?

  • Retargeting
  • Search advertising
  • Reacquiring
  • Readvertising

24. Which of the following is a benefit of search advertising over display advertising?

  • Search ads are more likely to be clicked on
  • Search advertising is cheaper than display advertising
  • Search advertising is shown to customers who are searching for your specific terms
  • Search advertising allows ads to be created in multiple formats

25. When using display advertising, what would you include in an ad to achieve the goal of driving more sales?

  • Promotions and special offers
  • Location specific information
  • Internship
  • Product shots and detailed information

26. It the analytics for your video campaign shows people are only watching the first few seconds of your video, what can you do to try and amend this?

  • Change how much your branding is shown in the video
  • Change the colours to be more eye-catching
  • Delete the video and try again with edited content
  • Update the description to tell people more about the video

27. How can your business benefit from video without making one yourself?

  • Advertising on other people's videos
  • Commenting on other people's videos
  • Sharing other people's videos
  • Interacting with other people's videos

28. In the world of analytics, the time the user spent on your site is considered which type of data?

  • Conversion
  • Clocking
  • Dimension
  • Metric

29. In the world of analytics, tracking the type of device the user accessed your site by is considered which type of data?

  • Metric
  • Conversion
  • Dimension
  • Access

30. When it comes to web analytics, what insights can you gather using analytics tools?

  • How you currently rank in search engines
  • How people interact with your competitors' websites
  • How people interact with your website
  • What websites users visit after leaving your website

31. What do website analytics allow you to do?

  • Understand users' behaviour and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts
  • Set up advertising accounts to drive continuous improvement
  • Interact with customers on your website to increase conversion
  • Predict your users' next move based on previous data

32. When creating a presentation based on lots of data, what principle should you bear in mind?

  • Show all the infomation available, to give your audience as much context as possible
  • Talor your approach to your audience in order to tell a better story
  • Stick to visual graphics only, as everyone will prefer this presentation format over tables and text
  • Present all information in the same way because everyone interprets things similarly

33. What is the benefit of using digital data?

  • Digital data allows you to save money on offline analytics
  • It can help you make informed decisions and improve online performance
  • Digital data is always 100% accurate
  • Using digital data allows you to automatically nech more customers

34. When building your online product store, to make it as effective as possible you should look to optimise the performance by using images in what kind of way?

  • Use images direct from the internet to ensure accurate file size
  • Use images direct from the original manufacturer
  • Ensure images are of a high quality
  • Use detailed descriptions instead of images to help search engines

35. Which of these is not a benefit for businesses using fully integrated e-commerce platforms?

  • Automated complaints process system
  • Stock control
  • Integrated involving
  • The ability to track shipping

36. When trying to increase the product sales on your website, one way to achieve this is to ___ ?

  • Send multiple follow up emails once a purchase has been made
  • Include a pop up on your website that they have to action before continuing
  • Show them remarketing ads with a variety of products
  • Provide the customer with relevant suggested purchases

37. If a user abandons their shopping cart without making a purchase, one way to bring them back to complete the purchase is?

  • Email campaigns
  • Retargeting
  • SEM advertising
  • Social advertising

38. Fill the blanks: When advertising internationally, you should make your business ___ to the new market, consider the ___ and any possible ___ implications.

  • affordable | customer needs | legal
  • affordable | supply chain | language
  • accessible | supply chain | legal
  • ceiling | customers needs | currency

39. Fill in the blank: When considering expanding a business internationally, the best place to start is to ___ ?

  • use online tools to help you understand where there's a strong demand for your products
  • move the whole business to that country
  • replicate your current business in as many countries as possible
  • buy new domains for the country

40.If you are looking to expand your company's presence online internationally, which of the following should you consider with regards to your online content?

  • Translated by an automated tool only
  • Translated into the native language
  • Translated but also locally adapted for the audience
  • Left the same, and not translated
