Weekly challenge 3: Mockups and high-fidelity prototypes

1. What do mockups allow designers to do?

  • Refine a design’s information architecture
  • Identify a target user’s needs and pain points
  • Bring designs to life using visual design elements
  • Incorporate complex interactions and animations
2. A designer creates a mockup of a website homepage for a yoga studio. They incorporate elements including images and symbols associated with health and wellness. What visual design element are they using?
  • Iconography
  • Typography
  • Layouts
  • Symbology
3. When conducting a usability study, it’s important to put people first. You should make sure participants are comfortable, thank them for joining, and address them directly. What are the other best practices for conducting a usability study? Select all that apply.
  • Ask the right questions, and encourage elaboration 
  • Direct participants to engage quietly, and write down their opinions 
  • Communicate clearly, and explain the focus of the study 
  • Collect essential paperwork, like non-disclosure agreements and permission to record
4. When conducting a usability study, it’s important to ask open-ended questions and encourage participants to elaborate on their ideas. What are the other best practices for asking questions? Select all that apply.
  • Encourage participants to chat with each other.
  • Don’t mention other participants.
  • Ask the same question from different angles.
  • Use the same set of questions with each participant.
5. A designer conducts a usability study for a mobile app prototype that helps people locate and reserve available parking spaces. They gather and organize the data in this spreadsheet: In row 1, the designer identifies a theme. Which statement below best describes this theme?
  • All participants are able to locate a parking space using the "Reserve a Space" feature
  • The "Reserve a Space" feature may require an update following P0 design changes
  • Some respondents had difficulty locating a parking space using the "Reserve a Space" feature
  • Four out of four respondents report they are able to confirm selection, verify cost, and reserve a parking space.
6. Fill in the blank: Strong insights must be grounded in real data, which means researchers should base insights on _____.
  • what they expected to find in the research, rather than what they observed in the study
  • how respondents delivered their answers, not what they said
  • whether the research questions have changed since the usability study was conducted
  • what they observed during research, not what they felt at the time
7. Consider the following scenario: A researcher is prioritizing insights from a usability study of an online learning app. The researcher identifies a common theme: When users complete a test, they click submit, but they are unable to verify submission until the instructor grades it. How should the researcher prioritize this issue?
  • This is a P2 issue since it requires back-end updates, which delay the timeline
  • This is a P1 issue since users cannot complete the user flow
  • This is a P0 issue since users feel tricked by the submission feature
  • This is a P1 issue since this feature request does not impact the app’s functionality
8. Imagine a research team finishes prioritizing insights from a usability study of a responsive website. The researchers identify only four P0 issues, but dozens of P1 issues. What is the best strategy to implement this feedback?
  • Resolve as many P0 and P1 updates as possible, and flag remaining items to revisit in future usability testing
  • Resolve P0 updates now, and then resolve P1 updates one by one, time permitting
  • Resolve as many P0 and P1 updates as possible, and add remaining items into another category: P2 updates
  • Resolve P0 updates now, and further categorize P1 updates into another category: P2 updates
9. Fill in the blank: Before conducting a usability study for an Android app, it’s important to design an experience that meets ___.
  • trending iconography and typography ideas.
  • platform-specific conventions and user expectations.
  • stakeholder expectations of market growth.
  • designer needs and solutions.
10. What is the first step when building a high-fidelity prototype in Figma or Adobe XD?
  • Repeat the process for all screens
  • Adjust the animation
  • Add interaction details
  • Lay out the mockups
11. Fill in the blank: When creating a design system in Figma, you will use a(n) _____.
  • visual system
  • assets panel
  • sticker sheet
  • button kit
  • Navigation and transitions
  • Visual and UI
  • Triggers and motion
  • Functionality and sound
